Heeey :)
Il primo tutorial che ho pensato di proporvi riguarda una delle acconciature più in voga negli anni 60, chiamata Beehive o come la chiameremo noi, cofana.
Brigitte Bardot
Audrey Hepburn
Quello che ho intenzione di farvi vedere oggi è un tutorial super-semplice per realizzare quest'acconciatura in modo rapidissimo e soprattutto senza cotonare i capelli. Il metodo originale, che prevede l'uso di tantissima lacca e cotonatura e richiede più tempo, lo vedremo in un post futuro.
Quello di cui avremo bisogno:
- spazzola
- un elastico dal colore più simile ai vostri capelli
-accessori per capelli (fiori, fascette, bandane etc.)
- lacca (opzionale)
Spazzolate i vostri capelli. Prendete la sezione che va da orecchio a orecchio e legate i capelli in una coda alta - così da avere metà capelli legati e l'altra metà libera.
2. cotonate leggermente (ma proprio leggermente) la coda. Attorcigliatela su se stessa e inseritela nella 'tasca' che si forma smollando lievemente l'elastico. La coda farà da volume per la nostra cofana!!
3. Fermate con le forcine in modo che tutto stia a posto, se vi serve usate un po' di lacca.
Aggiustate a piacimento il davanti ed ecco qua il risultato finale!
Aggiustate a piacimento il davanti ed ecco qua il risultato finale!
Aggiungete le vostre decorazioni e il risultato è raggiunto!
Se volete raccogliere anche il resto dei capelli, potete farlo in diversi modi, con un french twist, con delle pin-curls alte, con una coda, insomma come preferite!
Ecco alcuni esempi:
..per occultare l'elastico!
Spero vi sia piaciuto e che vi sia stato utile!
Marla Von Duta †
My very first tutorial on this blog is about one of the most fashionable hairstyles in the 60s, the beehive.
Today I'd like to show you a super-simple way to achieve this hairstyle in a very short time and without back-combing your hair too much. The original method requires lots of hairspray & backcombing and it takes much more time: we'll see it in another post!
We're using:
-a hairbrush
- a hair band that matches your hair colour
-bobby pins
- hair accessories like flowers, bows, etc
- hairspray (optional)
1. Let's start!
Brush your hair. Grab the section of your hair that goes from ear to ear and tie it in a high poinytail: half of your hair will be tied and the other half will be down.
2. backcomb the ponytail lightly (very lightly). Loosen the hair band a little in order to make some space under the tied hair. Twist the ponytail and stuff it under the tied hair. This will provide the volume we need for our beehive!
3. use bobby pins to make sure everything stays in place, use some hairspray if you need it. Style your bangs and you're done!
You can add some accessories to make your hair even more unique and hide the headband. You may also want to gather the rest of your hair: there are a lots of different options to try, like a french twist, high pin-curls, a ponytail or just ...whatever you like!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
Love, Marla Von Duta
My very first tutorial on this blog is about one of the most fashionable hairstyles in the 60s, the beehive.
Today I'd like to show you a super-simple way to achieve this hairstyle in a very short time and without back-combing your hair too much. The original method requires lots of hairspray & backcombing and it takes much more time: we'll see it in another post!
We're using:
-a hairbrush
- a hair band that matches your hair colour
-bobby pins
- hair accessories like flowers, bows, etc
- hairspray (optional)
1. Let's start!
Brush your hair. Grab the section of your hair that goes from ear to ear and tie it in a high poinytail: half of your hair will be tied and the other half will be down.
2. backcomb the ponytail lightly (very lightly). Loosen the hair band a little in order to make some space under the tied hair. Twist the ponytail and stuff it under the tied hair. This will provide the volume we need for our beehive!
3. use bobby pins to make sure everything stays in place, use some hairspray if you need it. Style your bangs and you're done!
You can add some accessories to make your hair even more unique and hide the headband. You may also want to gather the rest of your hair: there are a lots of different options to try, like a french twist, high pin-curls, a ponytail or just ...whatever you like!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
Love, Marla Von Duta
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